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Daily Archives: July 10, 2023

Challenge active women with "yoga"

Challenge active women with “yoga”

Many people may have passed their ears through their eyes with the story of “Yoga”, more or less. And believe that many people give up Or just shut the door! Immediately put in the time someone invites you to practice yoga. “We can’t do it,” “Yoga is too late

4 What kind of "locked finger" severity range

4 What kind of “locked finger” severity range

Locked finger are a symptom that can be found in people. “Who use their hands. and fingers to work over a long period of time. Or people who have to work by clenching the fist regularly until it causes inflammation of the tendon sheath around the base of

Benefit of exercise is better than just losing weight

Benefit of exercise is better than just losing weight

Everyone knows that exercise has many benefits that many people may not expect. For some people, the goal of exercise is to lose weight. but in fact Losing weight and a beautiful figure is a bonus because you get what you get. That is good health all around. Reduce the risk of

5 Easy Cardio Moves You Can Do At Home: Burn Calories

5 Easy Cardio Moves You Can Do At Home: Burn Calories

During this long stay at home, don’t let yourself eat and sleep alone. Because of the weight you can ask for So, let’s exercise with these  cardio poses. that can be done at home. Does not require a lot of space. And does not waste equipment. Cardio poses are also link to increased